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The aircraft was thoroughly inspected by security

The flight had to carry 125 passengers and six crew members from Ahmedabad to Mumbai for the next trip, which was delayed by two hours after the bomb scare here.According to the police, one of the cleaning staffers, while preparing the flight for its next trip to Mumbai, found a chit with “bomb” scribbled on it under a seat, after which authorities were informed. A chit with the word “bomb” written on it was found under a seat of a Jet Airways S2 4738 Wholesale Children Toilet Seats aircraft carrying 125 passengers and six crew members from Mumbai to Ahmedabad on Wednesday. Hence, we have detained the passenger under whose seat the chit was found for questioning,” he said. “A Jet Airways flight had received a security alert. “The bomb squad as well as the dog squad inspected the entire aircraft. Parmar, who along with other policemen, the Bomb Disposal Squad (BDS) and dog squad rushed to the spot. Nothing suspicious was found,” the officer added. “As passengers had alighted, it was difficult for us to trace as to who left it. The occupant of the seat has been detained for questioning. As a result of this, passengers who were to board the aircraft in Ahmedabad to fly to Mumbai were delayed by two hours..“When the cleaning staff were making the flight ready for the next trip, one of them found a chit beneath a passenger seat,” said assistant commissioner of police, G division, J.K.Earlier, a Jet Airways spokesperson said the search yielded nothing and the aircraft had been cleared for further journey. “We have zeroed in on one passenger and started his questioning,” DCP, Zone 4, S. The aircraft was thoroughly inspected by security agencies and the flight with 125 guests and six crew onboard has now been cleared for its onward operations,” the airline’s spokesperson said. The police and bomb disposal squad took action immediately, and the aircraft was taken to the isolation bay as soon as it landed in Ahmedabad on Wednesday morning where it was thoroughly checked.N. Gadhvi said.A chit with the word “bomb” written on it was found under a seat of a Jet Airways S2 4738 aircraft carrying 125 passengers and six crew members from Mumbai to Ahmedabad on Wednesday.